Monday, January 16, 2017

Race with "la ROPA"

I did the FUNNEST thing with my Spanish 2 classes today and they LOVED it!


(You could do this in a classroom, but I try to take them somewhere in the hallways on in the quad or commons area where they can run around)

1. Prep: Fill bags with "ropa" (la chaqueta, los calcetines etc...), for however many teams you want during your relay. Make sure each bag has the same items in it. Here's mine:

2. For however many teams you have, create strips of vocabulary words with the Spanish vocabulary word for each item you included in the bag. Place each team's word strips into a separate cup or bag.

3. Divide up the teams up and line up each member in the relay line on one side of the room and then place the bags and cups of words across from them about 15 or 20 feet away (if possible).

4. Designate a person who will be the "wearer" of the clothing.

5. Start the relay. First person in the line runs and grabs a Spanish vocab word from the cup. They must find that item in the bag, grab it, and run it back to the person who is the "wearer". That person must put it on. (And so it goes until all the words run out of their cups).

6. "Wearer" of the ropa, must run over to the cup, grab it, and hold it up in the air to complete the relay for their team and win the game!


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